MOCCIA BOX AUTO NUOVA COSTRUZIONE PIANO SEMINTERRATO(TA): PROFESSIONALITA’ E PASSIONE DAL 1995 Caserta in zona centrale nei pressi di corso giannone, precisamente via san pietro, vendesi box auto di nuova costruzione, di circa 21 mq interni, siti al piano seminterrato con ottimi spazi di manovra. Euro 30.000 Classe F Moccia Immobiliare 0823324605 – 3925231137 – 3296874476 Visita il nostro sito internet mocciaimmobiliare

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  • Box


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Cosa c'è nelle vicinanze

You need to setup the Yelp Fusion API.

Go into Admin > Real Estate 7 Options > What's Nearby? > Create App

    You need to setup the Yelp Fusion API.

    Go into Admin > Real Estate 7 Options > What's Nearby? > Create App

      Negozi Di Caffè
      You need to setup the Yelp Fusion API.

      Go into Admin > Real Estate 7 Options > What's Nearby? > Create App

        Negozio di generi alimentari
        You need to setup the Yelp Fusion API.

        Go into Admin > Real Estate 7 Options > What's Nearby? > Create App

          You need to setup the Yelp Fusion API.

          Go into Admin > Real Estate 7 Options > What's Nearby? > Create App

            Pet Store
            You need to setup the Yelp Fusion API.

            Go into Admin > Real Estate 7 Options > What's Nearby? > Create App

              You need to setup the Yelp Fusion API.

              Go into Admin > Real Estate 7 Options > What's Nearby? > Create App

                Stazioni Di Servizio
                You need to setup the Yelp Fusion API.

                Go into Admin > Real Estate 7 Options > What's Nearby? > Create App